Okey. got some problem. when i make my object emit another object. it looks exactly what i want when it stans up. but if i try to rotate the emiter object every strand forces to point up. so everything fails. i want the particle object to not move away from where it did get emitet. I post 2 pics so you understand what i meen. the first one is what i want it to be. but when i rotate on pic 2 you see what happens.
A wild guess, but I think the Z value (1.5m/s) under Velocity is global. So rotating the main object won’t stop the particle objects from pointing that way. You need to set that value to either X or Y
It dosent help anything
Then more information or perhaps a blend file is necessary…
I give up. Tried every parameter, mostly setting to zero, for any change. But nothing that helped. Maybe it’s just a limitation with the particle system? Dunno…
All I can think of for now is Make Duplicates Real (Ctrl+Shift+A)
That works perfect Thank you for your help