Rotating, panning, and zooming the view-port lag

I’ve been using blender for a few years and have never had this problem. When I try to rotate around a model it occasionally stutters or lags a small bit. It messes up my momentum when I can’t properly pan and rotate around my model. I don’t understand what’s causing this and I’ve not found any other posts depicting similar issues.

For clarification, I have a mid-high end PC. I’ve never had this issue before, even with models in the hundreds of thousands of polygons. But right now even on the default startup with the block, I get occasional lag with panning and rotating the view.

nVidia GPU I assume. I’ve reported this issue several times on the bug tracker, but it was always ignored as it happens only on Windows (the platform they don’t care much about).

Here’s a workaround:

It’s AMD. But I did recently update the driver. I’ll try doing the AMD equivalent and disabling V-sync.

try to re install it and see if you get same problem!

If I have more then 1 millions verts blender start getting sluggish!
but not with a simple cube LOL

happy bl

Vsync will help with viewport navigation latency, but not the actual lags. The lags happen on nVidia cards due to the under-utilization. High performance mode prevents GPU from constantly going idle and having to wake up. You should look for an equivalent setting in AMD drivers, but Vsync alone won’t help.