RPG Team Needed

im working on a RPG (like the rest of the people in this forum :spin: right now i have about a 2 or 3 man team me being the only one who is experienced in blender
[video]http://www.youtube.com/user/MrCaindude?feature=mhee#p/u/9/flwzMj4DxN8[/video] Other weapons i modeled my self

right now i got a basic story but it still needs work ill tell you more about it later i want the story to be complex and epic at the same time so it might take a while

  My requested team is:

Coder(most needed i would prefer that you know how to code )
Modeler (you should know how to make good well thought out characters)
UV Texture/Material Baker

i would rather have a person with no experience than a person who doesn’t work well with others so if you know you can’t communicate don’t even think about it

Email me at [email protected] for more info:D


Punch animation still need work needs more motion in the body and in other places (i got the human on blendswap)

[video]http://www.youtube.com/user/MrCaindude?feature=mhee#p/u/10/N6n9fRx0nsA[/video] Bow animation (yeah i made the string purple on purpose) :slight_smile:

[video]http://www.youtube.com/user/MrCaindude?feature=mhee#p/a/u/1/tCYZtkRXAbA[/video] A video of Bows i modeled my self

You need to clean your models a bit. Shield - it looks choppy at the bottom point even as it seems you’ve used smooth. Demon dagger - c’mon, 9000faces?? Useless for a game not to mention it’s flat as a cardboard.Rework it thoroughly keeping the main form.The face count could be under 500. Same with next swords 3000 and 20 000 faces??? The winged sword handle is way too thin also.The katana - same story 6000 faces, the form isn’t one of a real katana though. Looks more like an ottoman medieval sword. Also the cross piece that protects the arm looks paper thin. The unnamed blunt weapon 1000 faces - still too high. You can do it with at most 200. Also the curvature at the end of the handle should be 90 degrees around. It should be algned with the direction of the swing ( i.e. the “heads” of the weapon.) The bow - flat as paper and too many faces. The axe in the end - I see you’ve followed cookie lesson,turned good but again 7000faces and the blade should have a bit of curvature - looks like cleaver now.
In general. If you want to learn modeling for a game you should aim for as low poly as possible while keeping the form. Simple spear can be done with 100 faces.More complex forms require more of course. Use a 6 vertices cylinder for the round parts for example. With the smooth function enabled it’s looking round enough. The games have other things than polycount that exerts “weight” on the system. Armatures ,filters,animation,textures to name just a few. All this combined with high poly count will make the game choppy and unplayable.
Also, you can edit your older posts if you want to add something. No one on the forums likes to read 4-5 one line posts,when they can be a single post.
You’ve got a nice start on the forms, so now just work on making them much, much low poly.Keep up the work and show us progress! :slight_smile:

Seriously, how would you try to fight with these swords?? Their Edges must be <–> and not [–]. (trying to imitate the shapes)

Thanks for the advice im still pretty new to this and i forgot to take into account that things with to much face would slow everything down. the problem is i sortof want a game with really high graphics. is that aiming to high?do you think exporting it to another game engine would cure the choppiness during game play?

Hey, first of all: Polys don’t make graphics!
Well, of course they do, except for voxels and all that stuff.
But a High Poly Count has never been the important thing, that is my point!
id-Software, for example, are one of the leading corporations when it comes to pushing the standards of High Graphics, and until today they still and always have the philosophi to keep the polycount as low as possible!
Recently I saw in the Newsletter of the Unreal Development Kit that a current player model from Epic Games – tha frick, we’re talking about a whole player, not just his single sword! – would take 1688 triangles.

EDIT: If you want to achieve High Standard Graphics, then it is better you dig into effects, GLSL, shaders, all that stuff. The models nowadays don’t look so good because of their ô so high polycount, but because of Normalmaps et cetera.

mindblown ive been thought something today still have alot to learn but for now im going to make low poly good looking weapons :smiley: but making low poly bows seem hard i mean i like style to my bows

EDIT: forgot about the subsurf thats whats driving the poly count up time to take that off all of them but now on ill still model with a low amount of polys thanks