"rubber johnny" (warning: disturbing)

not to spam videos all over the forum :stuck_out_tongue: but i thought this was rather cool (if not partially creepy).

before you click on the link i would like you to know it is a little graphic in some areas. allthough it is certainly not real, it looks it. its not quite ‘not safe for work’ , but im sure people would shy away from you if they saw this playing at your desk.

so without further warning:

i thought it showed charactar pretty well, in its own creepy/stylistic way. Chris cunningham has some real talent. i wasnt expecting it to turn into a music-vid like it did, it was a pleasant surprise though. :smiley:

WOW… Creepy…
very beleaveable produced… whack…

This has been out for almost a year (Yes, on dvd! Get it now! Haha)

I thought the first half was quite disturbing, but interesting.

The second half, when it went all techno, was just plain silly.

Btw. I thought the dog (Elvis) was the real scary shit.

It was freaky, but not very original.

Oh, not that creepy-ass thing again. Last time they posted it I thought I was gonna die in seven days :stuck_out_tongue:

But, MAN! He sure can dance! And in a wheelchair, too. That’s more amazing than any shapeshifting dude.

O-M-G!!! What the heck!!! That poor dog! Wow…i have to change my pants…I am goin to have nightmers for weeks. Who the heck is this guy??? Making videos of little kids with over-sized head in wheelchairs…Dancing! All i gotta say that was terrible… :o

I’m not sure whether you’re stupid or just kidding. Please use appropriate smileys.

I’m not sure whether you’re stupid or just kidding. Please use appropriate smileys.

happy now?

Yup, I saw that a while ago.

I was disturbed.