Rubik's Cube

this was a project i started maybe 2 or 3 days ago, i started it because i didn’t know how to move on with my other projects. rendered in BI of course because i couldn’t find a build with cycles in it (if anybody knows a good modern build with cycles in it please send me a link). i was tired of making images with no viable light source so i decided to stick a few cubes around and put the emit value up to about 0.10. i don’t know why i put a UV sphere in but i did.
PS. any minor tips would be nice.
PSS. i don’t know why this render is bad quality i will try to get a better one up.

I think it looks really neat. I like the overexposed nature of the lighting, and I guess my only critique would be that the Rubik’s cube doesn’t appear to be accurately reflecting the light sources? It seems to be reflecting somewhat on the left (green) side, off of the blue cubes, but not on the right (red) side. The yellow cubes might be slightly behind the right corner of the Rubik’s cube though, which I guess is why it may be reflecting like they are.

I also like the relationship between the Rubik’s cube being a controlled collection of cubes, surrounded by a slightly chaotic collection of cubes.

yeah i think that’s just because the angle, that blue set of cubes on the left is more parallel to the Rubik’s cube so therefore it will be reflected more than anything on the right side because nothing is as parallel. but please note i did color the whole thing with correct color’s so if anybody thinks a certain set of colors would look better please tell me.

flipped it over, and hopefully this render will have better quality.

In my opinion it lacks a ground plane. Even if you want the seamless background kind of style there should be some form of shadows under the objects.

yeah i have no idea but it seems that there is light being emitted from under the rubik’s cube. but how would you recommend i get shadows in the scene?