A quick work done in an afternoon. The background picture is a picture I took this summer in the ardennes and the grass is made with particules. The light is made using spots with halos and after that the lensflare and softglow and slight blur is made with the gimp
In my opinion, the light is way to strong, it makes the picture look unrealistic.
clean cut grass in a forest with no mist, no shrubs, plants, anything, and i agree with milky on the light beams.
reminds me of tes 4 oblivion a bit
The grass is too even, the pillars need a bit more light, the rays of light from the sun are a bit extreme…
The light is too strong indeed. More sunbeams but less in strength would be nice. Also the texture on the pillars doesn’t look realistic. It has those black things on it (I suppose it is dirt) which make it more unconvincing.
Greetz, Fritz.
It’s a usual thing for a computer user; Oblivion is all the forest they see.
Thanks for the replies (and the generous 3 stars which is way more then I expected for a quick hour of work well under my usual quality on a laptop that doesn have a keppad for efficient viewchanging and that isnt mine while on vacation with only blender on my flashdrive but without all my usual 3d and 2d tools and textures).
I agree with all the comments made and some of which I had already pointed out to myself before but I will remember them on my future projects. I personnaly find this work not overly incredible or outstanding but I just wanted to share.
FritzX=> The black things you see on the rocks was actually the shadow of leaves I was trying to create but somehow it didnt turn out the way I wanted.
Milky=> LoL I’m lucky to be living in a rather forested area in the belgian countryside so that sure aint a problem for me