
I haven’t blended much lately but I just started a new project. An idea popped into my head when i was going to bed at midnight on a schoolnight and sketched this idea on paper. This sketch was my first for a cg project and I’m a horrible drawer but it has gotton the job done so far. I didn’t get to bed till 1:00 but it was worth it.
Runaway WIP2
(I’ve only modeled and changed the color of objects to make them stand out from eachother.)

Here’s the sketch that I made (Don’t make fun of it too badly).
Runaway Sketch

Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated.

Nick V

cool, theres no curbs, lol, but other than that i like it, ur not going for realistic i hope, sorry, but it looks really CGish, sorta like shrek or something, use some good textures! are the bricks modeled?

I’m really liking the hot colors…but you should lower the brick’s emit a little, since they stand out a little too much. Also, turn that lamp into a sun, and make it give a slightly softer light…

Nice scene. Maybe a little more detail and some work on the materials. I find that adding a cloud texture can help to simulate dirt and grime.


skeletor: The bricks are modeled. Everything you see is modeled. no pictures or real texture work has been done at this moment.

Maybe I didn’t make myself clear enough. I have done nothing accept assign different RGB values to the different objects. Those are only temporary.

Thanks for the crits though. Keep em comming.

Nick V


First try on texturing this scene. I’m trying to not use any pictures and use all built-in material and texture settings. This isn’t much work since the first picture, but I think it looks a whole lot better so I’m posting it. If you see a texture that looks bad and you know how to make it look better, please post.

Here’s the update
Runaway WIP3

Nick V

The texturing adds a lot to it. Its looking better…

The storm drain grate looks a little odd… are you going for a rusted look? maybe needs more variation in the colouring… The modelling is great though so far.

Great job so far man…really I mean it. As for my critique…hmmmm…where do I begin…

Lets start with the street. You have the right idea with the noise but you need to use a finer grain and more of it. Also, this noise does not include that of which should be applied to the entire image when you feel it is complete.

Next, the arrow and text…you need to decide if this is applied as a rubber sticker slapped on with too much glue like most of the streets today or if it is going to be painted…either way it requires the look of decay as with almost everything in a scene like this. The road also should look as though tires have been literaly pounding on it…asphalt consists of small rocks that begin to pretrude out from the rest of its mix. The surface of these rocks then become shiny from all of the direct interaction between themselves and the rest of the world (weather, vehicles, and people). A Nor and a carefully crafted Spec map should handle this nicely…use these at a bare minimum…for your color map I would definatley look into incorporating a grime texture! And finallyt to give it that extra push I would also provide small pink and beige peices of flattened gum that are speratically stuck to the surface of the street…this should break up the unatural look that you might end up with. When it starts to look as though you are almost finished you can then pat yourself on the back…for you have only begun. Thats when you can start adding small debris that has gathered up next to the curb to live (ciggarette buts that are so small that the render barely even knows what the hell it is crunching, elaves from trees, wrapers,etc.) Sprinkle these items onto the street and run them over witht he steam roller and then sprinkle some more.

When you start to feel comfortable with the idea of the street then you can REALLY step into the environment! This should get the gears turning: imagine yourself there…steam rising from the rusty grate in the street, a neon sign flickering in the background…distant car horns…an occasional siren…dogs barking off into the distance…a rundown newspaper machine covered in stickers…the pages from last weeks newspaper lifting up as a bus passes by (ohhh…there goes the air brakes…“ttttttssssssssssssssssssssstttttssssss”…frequent headlights that climb up the brick walls due to the traffic light (off camera) that changes every 4 minutes and 33 seconds…sorry…I am moving away from the street…for now stick with the street. When it is perfect…take a break and move on to something else.

Take care, hope this helps.
