running the game in a PC without blender..

is it possible to run a game made in blender game engine in a PC without blender? i’m planning to use blender in my group’s project for school… hope somebody can help me… thanks in advance!

From the File menu, click “Save Runtime” and type the name ( “my game.exe”). There are required .dll files that must be present in the same directory as the executable file. You can find all of the .dll’s in your Blender directory. Which .dll’s you need depends on the version of Blender you’re using.

wow, thanks blendezo… what if the game uses python scripts, the one that is typed in the text editor? do i have to include those .txt/.py when running that game in other PCs? thanks again!

no you dont have to include then

it automaticly combines them into the .exe

No, not if they’re in the Text Editor. Everything in the Text Editor is part of the .blend file, and is automatically packed with it in the runtime. I should let you know one thing about making runtimes, though: When you make a runtime, your .blend file is packed with the Blender Player program. Because Blender Player is covered by the GPL software license, anything you pack with it inherits that license. So if you don’t want your .blend to become public property, you should use the other, less used method of running the file without a full Blender install. Keep your .blend file separate and run the Blender Player on it from the command line or a batch file. To make a batch file to run your blend, open notepad and type

blenderplayer.exe <i>yourfilename</i>.blend

and save it as a .bat file. To run your program, you will need the following files in your directory:

your .blend file
your .bat file
the required .dll’s

There are optional flags you can use in running your game. You can see them by running the following batch file:

blenderplayer.exe -h |more

(If you don’t know, the thing before “more” is a pipe. It’s right above the enter key.)

I ran one of my .blends at 1024x768 fullscreen mode with the following batch file:

blenderplayer.exe -f 1024 768 32 60 joystick2.blend

(1024x768, 32-bit, frequency 60)

thanks again guys… and thank you blendezo for the info about the license…

i want to add these though it is not related to the topic… i’m happy that many people actually responded this time… maybe because of the clear title that i used… i used to name my posts as “be gentle”, “newbie question”, and I don’t get many responses…