Runtime lighting ... how do I get rid of ambient light?

I want to be able to simulate the darkness of an underground mine but when I make a runtime the lighting is completely different. All I have as lights are a couple spotlights on the front and one on the back; all are so dim that I can barely see in the publisher.

Anyone find a way to rectify this?

You could have 1 normal light that’s really dim and doesn’t have much energy, then have your two spotlights to light the specific areas. To have a spotlgiht actually show up as more a soft circle of light you’ll have to subdivide your level a couple of times then raise the… spotbi i think a bunch.


Pooba, that still won’t get rid of the ambient light.

I posted a script that gets rig of ambient light if you play the game in blender, but it doesn’t work in runtimes. So you have 2 options:

  1. Don’t use a runtime, tell people if they want to play the game they need blender.
  2. Modify the source code of the BlenderPlayer so lights don’t cast ambient light. The only source code with a working game engine is tuhopuu though, which has kind of buggy physics…

Alright, so it seems like I’ll have to make some sort of separate exe file to call the blenderPublisher and open the game file by default (any idea how to do this?)…

The C standard library has a function, system() which takes a string as parameter and executes the string as though you’d typed it in the command line prompt.

I’m sure there are also API functions for whatever OS you’re programming on, but I’d try to stick with system() as much as possible.

A question:

Can Tuhopuu make an executable of a game?

If it can’t, does someone know if it will be implemented?

Ah yes… I think I’ll just make a batch file (same thing, kinda) that calls the BlenderPlayer and the file… but the command is giving me an error:

Loading Z: est.blend failed: File is not a compressed, locked, or signed Blender file

I tried packing the data, but that’s not it. Suggestions?

in publisher you go
file->file options->
and check one (or more) of the three

Uh… I feel rather sheepish now.

It worked, but it seems the BlenderPlayer is the problem; it throws ambient light.

I can call the Publisher from a .bat it seems though… I’ll post a confirmation if I can get it working as I’d like it to. :wink:


Calling the PUBLISHER (not the player, that has the ambient lightning) from a .bat file, with the .blend file signed and with autoplay on essentially gives you a standalone exe with proper lighting… now I just gotta find something to convert a .bat to a windows exe…