runtime & vertexarrays

Hi to all, this is my first post on elysiun.
I just started playing with the gameengine, and I’m currently doing some performance test before putting me at serious work.

I made a simple scene with a series of bouncing balls (maybe 20000 poly each , after all it’s a performance test :wink: )
In Blender Publisher (2.25) I can enable VERTEXARRAYS and get a performace boosting from 6 to 10 frame/second.
But if I save a runtime “test.exe” and execute it the performance boost disappears and I get only 6 frame/second.
I tried with the commandline:
C: est.exe -g vertexarrays
but it doesn’t seem to work [!]

I tried with BlenderPlayer.exe and BlenderDynPlayer.exe too, and again with no visible results.

Has someone encountered the same problem and want to share his experience?
Please, going from 6 to 10 fps is a HUGE boosting, and I need to reach the full Blender potential.

Thanks in advance for the replies :smiley:
Sorry for my english :expressionless:

Sadly Blender’s Realtime Engine strongest points isn’t speed, it rather relies on the artist.

I made a simple scene with a series of bouncing balls (maybe 20000 poly each , after all it’s a performance test )

Err I think you mean stress test and if its a stress test then why would you be worried about 20,000 polyed balls? When Modeling you usally want to keep models under 1k and a scene around 20,000 is fine… Plus I am guessing you use physics and thats slow anything down.

But if I save a runtime “test.exe” and execute it the performance boost disappears and I get only 6 frame/second.

Some odd reason the standalone version are slower no matter what, I am guessing it has to do with linking…

And the startup command dont work ovbiously heh ^_^, anyways all I can say is your going to have to think outside the box for now on dude. I Hope you luck

Standalone games are faster on my computer, not slower.



Why don’t you try with S_W launcher (look at the previous thread )
He’s got those options!!


To Sutabi

Sadly Blender’s Realtime Engine strongest points isn’t speed, it rather relies on the artist.

Amen! 8)

Err I think you mean stress test and if its a stress test then why would you be worried about 20,000 polyed balls? When Modeling you usally want to keep models under 1k and a scene around 20,000 is fine… Plus I am guessing you use physics and thats slow anything down.

Yes, you’re right.
I did want only know if vertexarrays make some difference in the runtimes.
So, since I cannot display framerate in a runtime as I do in Blender, I thought that I can see if there is a difference between a runtime with vertexarrays ON and one with vertexarrays OFF by slowing the runtime with a huge polycount ( I can spot the difference between 6 and 10 fps but not between 60 and 100 )

Some odd reason the standalone version are slower no matter what, I am guessing it has to do with linking…

:frowning: That’s very sad

And the startup command dont work ovbiously heh :slight_smile:

[!] No, that’s not entirely true. Maybe is just a bug but if I type:
C: est.exe -p 10 10 320 200 -g
it works. I have to type “-g” at the end if I don’t want to get a “file not found” error, so it HAS to be a bug. :wink:

anyways all I can say is your going to have to think outside the box for now on dude

:expressionless: You’re right…

By the way, I just saw your particle demo
congrats :smiley:

To Pooba

On my computer the runtimes and the .blend files run at the same speed (I guess). But with a .blend file I can specify vertexarrays ON, so it gains a 30%-40% speed boost (vertexarrays works only with some graphic cards).
But, as Sutabi said, there has to be and error that prevents the use of vertexarrays in the runtimes. :-?


Thanks for your suggestion :smiley:
I’ve immediately tried BGLauncher, but it doesn’t seem to make any difference.

To all

Thank you all again for your replies, I didn’t expect to recieve 3 answers so soon. :smiley:
Sorry for the lenght of the post, but it’s my first forum post and like to play with all those buttons…

well, the bglauncher uses the same runtimes as blender does…it’s just to provide you a simple gui with all possible parameters and if you want to play blender games on computers without Blender installed… :wink: