russian dolls type things

This is my version of russian dolls, using some of my character designs.
Rendered with blender internal using nodes.


this is the way they would look if you where an ant

Lol…nice designs they look good and preety realistic mayn…can i get one of those??

this is cool. nice dof. great textures.

Great designs and fantastic texture and lighting work. Very well done.


Thanks for the comments.

They’re not available for real at the moment, but I’m hoping to get some of character designs, and ideas into production at some point in the near future.I just sell prints at the moment.

heres a triptych just for fun

Really really good stuff here. Designs and lighting etc.

The blue one especially. I take it you’re a vinyl toy nut?

Cheers.Well I do have a certain fondness for such things:)

really cool !
i like them all!
nice idea to model them :slight_smile:

Dude! I would totally buy stack doll with those designs! You aught to see if there’s someplace that will make them.

Ha! Nice! The textures are great, nice image, even if its simple…ish

Strong work!
Impressive render! Congrats, man!

I love the dude with the teeth.
Very impressive.

aren’t thoose ukrainian? (i can’t spell lol) and very nice:D

hehe wicked :slight_smile:

nice :slight_smile:

you need some sort of highlight… coming from side and/or back, to make it more interesting…


Cool .)))

If anybody is interested - such dolls are called ‘MATRYOSHKA’. (YO sounds like first sound in ‘Yorke’)

Thanks, I also hear that these types of dolls might be of Ukrainian origin not Russian, is that true?

They’re suppossed to have flat bottoms I believe, but I’ve left them round for a little animation sequence I have planned, though at around 20 minutes rendering time a frame it might take a while to sort out.

Well, as a russian citezen I think that its russian invention =))) But Ukraine was a part of Russia and USSR for a long time =||| It’s probably better to watch at wikipedia .)))

Anyway - cool renders .))) How did you managed to make such shadows with internal renderer???

I used AO at 14 samples and a buff shadow spot with shadow only, with 13 samples and 20 softness.
For the ground the main colour is white and there is a cloud texture with 0 scale on it with blue colour this also is mapped to reflection, I then use nodes to add a blue mix at 20 % (shadows for realiam should almost never be black or grey) over the white texture.

The combination of the two techniques gives the shading effect.