Rusty works (17 images, zombie nudity)

This is all hit or miss and random practice. It’s the best of what I’ve made in the past month. I’m just getting back into 3d after a pretty long time so I was hesitant to post anything, but it isn’t healthy to have your work go unchallenged. I offer no pathetic disclaimers to stop you from being brutal. So if you want to pick something apart, go ahead. Right now I’m working on a game with a programmer from Neversoft who’s piecing together a seperate engine which is looking top notch. A few of the things below were taken from the game work. Descriptions are above each picture:

Chapel scene, shadeless render. This was a handpainted texture test where the focus was on the ground and back wall. Everything was handmade except the wood, table, bench, and rocks, which is why it’s so inconsistent. Concept was based on an abandoned church photo. Here’s a flyby(divx)

Abandoned hatchback, render

Playing around with new digital camera. Shadeless render + raytraced shadows.

Dark room, in-game screens. Speed challenge, made in a day with modeled but untextured bathroom.

Props, shadeless render.

Silent Hill inspired bathroom. Speed challenge, 5 hours, shadeless render

Morgue Zombie, rendered with norm, spec, color maps

Morgue Zombie body, textures 70% complete, not very creative but will be a good male base mesh.

Fuel tanker wip, renders

That does it for the game art. The project I chose to get refreshed with python is 2 player chess. Movements are restricted to what’s legal, and legal squares light up when you mouse over them. There’s a movement history, undo, playback, en passant, kinging where you choose your piece, and more. Along with that, most pawn movement is coded and the groundwork is looking clean.

Thanks for looking

great to see this stuff posted up mate! amazing now to see it all compiled, so much top level work! I can’t wait to play a game with such beautiful environment work =D

good luck with what your to work on next, not that you need any though! :wink:

Ahhhhh…too much talent…
Life’s not fair :slight_smile:

Awesome graphics Blengine. :smiley: It looks like Half Life 2 quality or even better on some certain points, the only thing I’m always worried about is, can the engine handle those graphics? I still remember that nice cave someone made with some top notch graphics, but the problem wasn’t only the detail of the meshes but also the textures to drop fps.
I wonder how it would look like in the Ogre renderer with some GLSL shaders applied to it, then we really have some awesome ingame graphics that look simular to the raytrace renders you have done.

Btw, great to see you back again in this community, I remember those nice toony graphics of yours from that Saucy Soup or that fox skater game. Welcome back. :slight_smile:

Great to see you back, blengine!

All I can say is, you just blew my Zark Game graphics out of the water. Oh, well. Maybe I’ll use this technique next time. How exactly are you doing this, with baked textures from the renderer?

Good textures are EVERYTHING, newbies! Take note!

Hey, thanks for all the responses. JD, I’m not too sure if the engine could handle detailed graphics on a wider scale, but I’ll be working with whatever my friend is cooking up in his editor. PlantPerson, all the shadowing is painted in except on the bathroom and the props. Those were baked.

Wow, those pics look awesome. Very nicely textured.

Ermm… now was shadeless render mean equivalent to in game graphics?

From what Blengine posted the game’s not going to be running in Blender (going to run in some separate engine).

:smiley: Glad to see ya back Blengine. Haha, missed you by the time I joined, but heard stories of great blenderheads that had gone MIA.

Jason Lin

Thanks Jason =) Yeah, shadeless render is basically ingame with full antialiasing.

Cleverly combines low-poly modeling with hi-res textures. Solid work!

You wouldn’t think of making a Resident Evil 4-type game?

Nice lowpoly work! i love the textures. great to see you back bro!

Great work, I’ve never met you on the forums. But I have seen some of your old tutorials. Blender has changed a lot since then and you can thank Erwin for the new physics and Snailrose for the upcoming OGRE intergration.

Great work. Truly professional level results.

WOW! This is truly amazing. This has to be the BEST texturing work i’ve seen in a very long time. I mean there are some spots where the textures look a bit stretched i.e. the bed, but that’s nothing compared to how wonderful everything else looks. I really hope to see more work soon.

Good luck to you in this project = )

Yikes!! Ouch!!, that’s good. I think any ego I had just went down the drain…

Only one thing though, the chess peices appear do be cut down the middle, and only a half displayed. Is this just the angle of the pic, or are the faces not two-sided?

Good work…I wasn’t around soon enough to appreciate you…yet!!

Excellent work, blengine. Your modelling and texturing skills cause me to feel uncomfortable levels of personal inadequacy. Oh well… at least I can program well…

Joecool, the game will be similar, yeah. Survival horror with an emphasis on civil defense, plus a zombie outbreak to make things interesting. Stu_Flowers, I didn’t feel like modeling the chess peices so they’re actually alpha textures with the faces set to billboard. To everyone, haha, you are all too kind. Thanks alot for your comments.

this work deserves a spot in the blenderartists gallery. awesome texturing and modeling.