ryan vs. dorkman wall fight

Hay guys I am fairly new to blender and I am wondering if you could help me with something like the ryan vs. dorkman wall fight

Yes, we can.

That deserves a sarcastic comment!

Okay I will give the first serious comment! :smiley:

Here is a tutorial that I used to learn how to make this video! I hope you can use it too!

Sure. How much will you pay us?

thanks guys I really appreciate it:yes:

I tryed to have one plane on to and one on the bottem the top is a cloth bottem solid but i sculpted it to look like the melt marks on the side then pushed it up on the cloth

cool, good for you.

very funny

still need help:o

guys we’re being a little overly sarcastic and unfriendly here.
I have no idea what the dorkman wallfight is, but judging from the reactions, it’s rather complicated. Maybe you should start with a smaller project, untill you can use the tools a little better.

And no offence but this does not belong in the Discussion & News forum. It would better be in the WIP-Forum or Support forums.

EDITED: Oh and please enlighten the unknowing what this wallfight thingy is.

yeah no one know what you are talking about. When asking a question about something, please provide a link to the thing in question.

And this belongs in the support forum