S h a d e r S t u d y
m a r t i n l i n d e l o f . c o m
Parquet Floor
using grass essentials
S h a d e r S t u d y
m a r t i n l i n d e l o f . c o m
Parquet Floor
using grass essentials
I am not using the built-in default glass shader, instead I am combining a refractive and reflective shader. With fresnel control and volumetric absorption.
sweet shaders
Human Skin
Thanks! working on it, only thing I really miss. Is to be able to connect a RGB Curve to a node socket, to override a specific RGB Curve node in the shader group. Because I am not using a fixed fresnel value, I have a more un-realistic PBR shader where I sacrifice the realism or physical correctness for a artistic touch – to be able to control the fresnel and reflection.
an screen dump from work to illustrate what I mean.
there’s a messy workaround to break apart node groups just to edit the RGB Curve node, for that specific material. I can’t change within the node group since it’s just a reference then that look or edit is going to apply to all materials.
So if someone has found out a neat solution I am idle ears. Maybe expose the Factor of the RGB Curve node to the inputs of the group, and then plug in a new RGB Curve … idk, will fiddle with that at home.