S-Tech Imperator S-3009

Hey there,
I was working at a modern calculator for a school-project for about four days now. :wink:
And well, I need some professional help with some issues in cases of lighting. :slight_smile:
Comments are welcome! :slight_smile: Perhaps, somebody has an idea how to fix it :smiley:
Comments in relation to design and concept are also pretty interesting. :smiley:

Very nice design :slight_smile: ! The flexible green UI could could give of a very soft light emission, with the rest trasparent “crystal-clear”

The light source could be coming from the back of the viewer and not in front, as to get more light bouncing back towards the camera.

The grip material could have a surface pattern (grooves) such as a honeycomb motif or whatever…

actually the grip material has a motif on… :smiley: but i guess, it isn’t visible :smiley: So, I’m doing already a better render. :smiley:
@solarforge thank you for your comments. :smiley:

here is the new render:D
By the way, I’m trying to achieve a result like that. :slight_smile: Perhaps, someone did something similar and can give me some tips… :wink:

Thank you! :smiley: