Sabge game engine

better rendering using my new SSGI

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better! :smiley:




bigger (ambient light is reduced)


looks Okay to me i don’t see anything spectacular :thinking:


Again i don’t seem to see anything BIG or spectacular except a change in the whole colour palette that you are using!


id like to ask a question since yr working on SABGE API would you make a complete game on it from start to finish kind of like a game engine dedicated Demo but thats a full game, kind of think of it like YO Frankie and the BGE !!!

so will they be a dedicated game for SABGE?


“bigger” was referred to a larger calculation of indirect lighting! (look at the lighting bounces)

…yes, when I am satisfied with the rendering system I will probably test everything by developing some games


Yeah, thats actually amazing! Funny thing is I was just testing out the SSR shader Murilo ported to upbge and I it comes with a ssgi implementation which I assume is experimental, and then I see your posts. The whole thing is really pleasant to look at, you can really feel the effect on the scene with the dynamic lights/shadows going on. Great work.

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Indoor test


0:08 Is it a regular behavior that the Light disabers if the Camera moves out of it Range? The Object is still in the Light and gets nevertheless darker. Looking strange … like the Door closes.

it is the limitation of the SS (screen space) algorithms the calculations are based only on what is displayed!

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SSGI - Added the second light bounce for free (no extra computations) :smiley:


cool stuff. I do not like this glow around Mario in indoor test.

Thank you, diffuse reflection contributes a little on the bloom filter, it is adjustable

Hey lopas, can I get your 2d filters?? Or your game engine? Please bro…

what’s up ? I would like to see this map running on SABGE

I am a little busy with other things lately, I have momentarily paused the work on sabge, but as soon as I am a little freer I will resume

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Hey lopas, when will you release the SABGE game engine publicly?

It is a project I work on in my spare time. From the point of view of the implemented features, I can say that it seems to be ok, (just would like to make some little improvements on the rendering), but it is already possible to develop games - programmatically. What is missing is the nodes based visual logic system, a level editor and a nodes based shaders editor, things that would make the software actually interesting to most people. Until September I’ll be very busy and I also have to say that I have a little daughter with whom I want to spend the little free time that i have now in summer. In September I would certainly like to resume the work on sabge, so a possible release depends on how quickly I will progress with the development of those things, but it’s not really easy for me to set some date…