ok, for the sake of helping you out, I’m gonna give some critique:
rendering time:
3 hrs of rendering time for a scene like this is horrible. actually, 3 MINUTES of rendering time for something like this would be horrible.
HEMI lamps should only be used in extreme cases. Also, I don’t see the need for 4 hemi lamps in any case. hemi lamps give overall lighting (aka, non-directional) so you could just as well use 1 light and tweak the settings for intensity.
The clipping of the 5 spotlights is visible on the pilar, you could tweak the width and distance to get rid of that.
OSA 16 is nice and all, but it is meant to remove jagged edges. as you can see on that stone-thingies, they are so low-poly that you see the edges anyway…I would recommend fixing that.
Resist the urge to use AO on everything you do. I don’t think it is needed in this scene.
I hope I helped you a bit with this, remember that I’m not trying to be harsh!
Also, lowering the image size would make the pic easier to view (I’m running at 1152x864 and I have to scroll to be view the entire image), and lowering the filesize would make the people on dialup a little happier ;).
Good start! One thing you might experiment with is setting OA to SUB and turning up the power a bit.