Safari Vehicle

I’ve been making a comic for most of this year, both for fun and to improve my CG skills. One of the characters has a vehicle which will appear a lot, so I can’t cheat my way into modeling it.

I haven’t started on the interior/bottom, and the final model will be toon shaded. Any and all C&C will be appreciated.

thats awufully low poly… looks shty with the set smooth also. basic shape is good though. love the tires :stuck_out_tongue:

same thing as him:
you may also plan to use subsurf… so far it’s good. look like the rear is not finish isn’t it?

I’d have to agree

sometimes though, seams can help with that. faces that are set smoothed look better if they don’t quickly transition into bends

how many triangles? (look at the decimator with the object selected)

also, are you using subdivision surfaces on the wheels? (because they look excessively high poly)

also, are you using subdivision surfaces on the wheels? (because they look excessively high poly)[/quote]
Yeah, on level 2.

Since it would take too long to fix the shell, I went ahead and started remodeling it. The red spots are placeholders for detail textures, like stickers, scratches, ect. I only have the doors there as a reference while I make new ones.

This is the very first vehicle I’ve modeled, and I really underestimaded it.

I almost finished modeling the outside of the vehicle, and I’ll turn to the interior tomorrow. I’m not sure of the best way to texture a vehicle, so I’d appreciatte any pointers on how to do that.

Are wheels attached to anything? Other than that, it’s pretty good.

I believe the Safari is pretty much finished. I was thinking of UV mapping it, but I’ll probably leave that for another occasion. I made this last render to showcase the vehicle on an enviroment. I believe I managed to get what I was looking for (except for the lack of decals, which would need UV).

One thing I’d like to know: What would be the best way to reduce the number of verts? It currently has 15,295, which makes raytracing quite the female dog…