Safety Precautions against CoronaVirus Disease


Poor, poor soul… Please, educate yourself, most importantly, get self experienced for real!
Use your knowledge, intelligence along with practice, dear. It’s simply about taking care of your personal health, hygiene, mind - “as you do to self, so do to others” - healthy body, healthy mind, healthy community.
This is nothing new to me. I’ve been living my whole life this way.
Even recently been many times w/ ppl who got sick, had many different viruses. I am aware and have fine sense of my surroundings. Still didn’t caught any, neither do I spread it.

Must be poisonous mind and approach like yours is, polluting others.

Preventing bad habits (not just ‘Novel Corona’), starting with one self, is all it takes.

When talking about wearing a mask, I am not really a fan of it. Since the beginning, I am not doing that thing. A lot of studies show that it was ineffective against the virus and will only lead to bacteria build-up in our lungs due to inhaling back the Carbon dioxide we exhale and masks are not advisable to be worn for more than 2hrs. Taking care of our personal health and boosting our immune systems are the most important things. And by the way, now that the vaccines are starting to roll out. Are you guys in favor of vaccination?

Since lots of experts (i.e. virologists, epidemiologists) recommend wearing masks do you think that they are stupid, uninformed, lying or something else?

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This is not about believing or not believing. There are enormity of studies proving the effectiveness of masks in reducing the spread of the virus from infected people to healthy people. And with respect to vaccines, the antibodies they generate can be measured and verified. Again, this is not about whether or not people believe, these are measurable things.

The strongest immune system in the world won’t prevent you catching a novel coronavirus. It’s a new virus. Your immune system has no idea how to deal with it. In fact, many people die because of their immune system’s overreaction to the effects of the virus rather than the direct actions of the virus itself.

Masks aren’t to prevent you from catching the virus. They are to prevent people spreading it if they have it and are asymptomatic. Masks work well for this. Why do surgeons wear masks while operating (often for hours at a time)? I’ll give you a clue - it’s not to prevent them from catching something from their patient.