Sakura Haruno

I’m a fan of Naruto, a famous Japanese cartoon series. They call these anime. Sakura Haruno is one of the main characters of the show and I thought it would be great to make my own version of her. Well, actually, this model is kind of a stock model I’ve left alone for quite some time. I just rearrange her facial features and gave her some hair. What do you guys think of her?:eyebrowlift:

An educated feedback would be nice.:o

I’m kinda new to modeling. Well, intermediate actually. I’ve learned my way around the loops of the face. I’m still learning how to model the whole human body.:smiley:


Why does she look like Cameron Diaz sporting a hot pink wig?

Well, the main problem is the face…
I’m a fellow Naruto Fan :yes:, so I’ll try my best to help you :smiley: (I was trying to make Gaara, but…).

But that face… …definitively doesn’t look like her…
Maybe you could post a wireframe, it would be helpful to see the geometry :slight_smile:

stop :eek: please

sorry, but you wont make if you just modify thing, but start from scratch it’ll be a much much better result IMO>>>>

and it is NOT the least of my beloved SAKURA :mad:

Yup, starting from scratch is probably best :yes:…

Who would of thought you had a crush? Not to get off topic of course. When it comes to making a anime head some rules must be broken or bent.

In my opinion (and Im guessing everyones is going to be different) I think that Misa Amane (Death Note), Nina (Code Geass- definetley the worst).

@icy-cooley check this out

Haha, I think it’s the mouth, it’s quite similar to Cameron’s (kind of a wide smile)!

I’m not familiar with the character, so can’t comment on how it looks in comparison. But as a model is not bad, the overall shape of the head is very good. The hair is really well done, but doesn’t look like it’s attached to the scalp making it appear more like a wig. Also I feel the bridge of the nose looks a little too angular.

In my opinion some less plastic, more human looking textures (try using SSS) will really start to bring it to life and a few tweaks rather than doing it all again.

Hey icey-cooley, no more updates? O.o…