Sampling multiple Curves/Splines in one object, Geometry Nodes

Hi there!

I’m trying to figure out, how to apply Sample Curve on more, than a single curve in an object, separately. Let’s say I want to position something at a factor value of the spline. Or for example, just at the start of the curve (for that I found a quick workaround, as you can see on the loose Curve to Points node in the top left corner).

I tried various versions, to feed the curve index, but I haven’t managed a solution. Any idea if the node is even built for this, to behave a bit more like the Spline Parameter?

i am not sure whether i understood you correctly,

but…that’s exactly what the sample curve node does.

Curve index is the index (0,1,2,…n) of your curves/splines. So if you have 3 splines, curve index may go from 0 to 2.
With factor (which is normally a value from 0 to 1) you decide, which value/position, tangent, normal will be in the output values. For 0, you get the start position/value/tangent/normal and for 1 the end position/value…
For every value between 0 and 1 you get the corresponding point on the curve.
If you change curve index to 1 you get the same values for your second spline.
and so on.
Hopefully that helps.
If not, please provide a blend file, tell us what values you are expecting and what you get so we can help you. thx.

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Hi there, what I need to do is to sample on each curve, not just one.
Let’s say I want to attach a point to each curve, at the same factor value of each individual curve.
Is it possible?

Try it!

Remember that with all sample nodes, the Index comes from the Target Geometry i.e. the Points in this case.

Good luck!



I didn’t realise I need to generate the according number of points. I was thinking of this as a loop where it will generate one point per spline, but of course, that’s not how it goes.