For lack of a better name. Had to get away from my current project for a while, so I did this this afternoon for about 2 hours. Could use some raymir tinting, and a better BG (used filter: 25.0 in texture buttons to blur it, since I don’t have gimp2.0 installed emerged yet).
I like the first one better, both the colors and camera angle. Looks good, nice textures. The rims on the cup and pitcher could be a bit thicker but other than that I wouldn’t change anything.
One thing I can say. If I want to bring additional color to an item without affecting the rest of the scene I usually set it in another layer. Then I put several variably powered “layer only” lamps around it, maybe one or two with shadows, sometimes ones that affect only spec or diffuse. Sometimes a negative lamp too. This can sometimes help an object integrate better in a scene, although great care has to be taken not to “overdo it” or else it can stand out too much.
I definitely have a preference for the first one, as many others. The only thing that potentially detracts to this otherwise great piece of CG is the ideograms… Are they really japanese? Or are they just artistic touches of paint and vernish on the pots? They are somewhat intermediary and this puzzles me.
I really love em. I didn’t like pots … but now I’m thinking I should make some
Hint: subsurfs
first image kicks ass
I like the modeling and the materials in the second pic, and the bg in the first. I’ll re do the first image because now I have Gimp installed, I can blur the image
I definitely have a preference for the first one, as many others. The only thing that potentially detracts to this otherwise great piece of CG is the ideograms… Are they really japanese? Or are they just artistic touches of paint and vernish on the pots? They are somewhat intermediary and this puzzles me.
I thought about that as well, it’s actually a celtic tribal symbol that I pulled off the net somewhere. I couldn’t find a suitable japanese symbol that made sense for the contents of the bottles.
Thanks for the comments guys, I’ll upload another one once I fix the bg of the second image, so it fits the first.
And BgDM, that means a lot man!! I’ve finally got into gear and have decided to learn quite a few new things. Lighting is where I started, and I think it really sky rocketed my scenes.
Looks good, but those pots don’t look very realistic mainly due to their shape. If they are supposed to be made of clay, I would think the handle would be added sepperately, not completely merged like you have them.