Sands of time and Skeleton feet. Now finished.......finally.

Hi all, —EDIT— I have hopefully tweaked the relevant parts. Updates are in place of the originals.
Amidst all my current works, I can now finally lay this one to rest as finished.

The Sands of Time:-

>< Click for link.

>< Click for link.

Skeleton feet, fine detail renders:-

>< Click for link.

>< Click for link. —Still not re-rendered this view. —

>< Click for link. I think they look quite good in gold.

–EDIT-- Methods used, 100% Blender for modeling and renders, tiny amount of grain and focal blur using PhotoShop 5. Bone texture consists of stucci for bumps, spherical blend for darker mid bone sections.

Comments are welcome and greatly recieved,

Hope you like,


:o :o :o :o :o


Great work :smiley:

Like the second one best. Great work :smiley:

Perhaps, it’s time for me to quit blendering. :frowning:

Wow. That is awesome. You did that focal blur in blender?

nice… I would however tweak those textures still… especially on legs.


:o :o :o maginficent!!!, how did you got the idea? I mean it’s kind a weird macabre picture (which makes it even more appealing :smiley: ).
the textures and the modeling are wonderful and you made a nice job with that DOF.

Looks good! I agree with basse about the textures. The textures on the shackles look fantastic, tho!


Comment: Great Job. I really like the textures and DOF

Critique: Some of the textures on the bones look like they’re stretching. There is too much specularity on the shakels. I believe it would look better if the metal wasn’t so shiny. It would give it an older look.

Great job. keep up the good work

I totally dig the concept and your compositions. The only thing I’d have to say for criticism (aside from the aforementioned texture comments) would be that in some renders - particularly this one, the toes have a slight case of “lookit me! I’m not quite touching the ground!” It’s probably not the case, but the way the shadows come out, they look a little floaty.

Other than that, I totally dig your stuff.

Yes, apparently this is my first post… don’t worry, I’ll put some of my crap up for public humiliation shortly

Fantastic pics Sonix, I love the concept and those wonderfull rusted metal textures … Anyway I find the bones material too flat, nearly looking like toon material … see what I mean ?

I think you should push the spec forward and decrease the the bump on the bones.

Very good job really like it.


I know I say this about everything, but just a touch of vertex paint on the bones would add to it tremendously IMO.

Cool! Love the skeleton feet pic with the blur!

er… you should really see a doc about that :o

i hate you sonix, where have you been? you dont talk to me anymore, and you keep making awesome stuff

shakes fist at sonix :smiley:

I like the first shot better because it hides a bit of the flaws in the bones texture. Anyway, good job, dewd.

wow … I didn’t think you could have such extreme detail (like the stuff on the bones) in blender … & neat idea


Very creative concept, however, it looks fresh-out-of-the-box new. Is it supposed to represent being a slave to time?

Firstly, thankyou all for the kind words. I’ve been taking all of your advice and have been applying it to the model. Heh I’ll never finish anything at this rate. I shall post/replace new versions of the existing renders during the week.

Now to answer some of your questions:-

Never quit the Blender, especially not if I’m the reason.

With Photoshop, for my sins. Focal blur with Blender takes for ever to render, add that to the time taken for my machine to render anything transparent and you get about 2hrs render time. 10 secs with Photoshop makes things a little more user friendly.

Have been trying with varying degrees of sucess. The bump map is produced from Blender’s own Stucci procedural texture. Sphere/Cube/Tube/Flat, seem to have no effect on the texture mapping. I can only change the X/Y/Z sizes. Possible bug in 2.25, I don’t know? Also have toned down the spec level on the shackles. Some of the chain texture hasn’t come out either, bad mapping on my part but have started to sort this out too.

I blame the idea on my subconcious. The initial concept sketches look so different to this finished model, that I can still build the concept and have a completly different scene. I think the ideas came during the modeling. I think there’s also a slight subliminal message from my brother being arrested last month.

I know, there’s only only one shadow spot light. For a while now I’ve started adding a shadow only plane as the floor surface and adding a single colour in the world settings. I shall add a few more shadow lamps to hopefully reduce the ‘floating’.

Yeah I do, this is from postproduction in Photoshop. Very high contrast settings were making the render completely toonshaded, I haven’t stripped enough out but shall, thanks.

Ha ha top one mate, didn’t meant to upset you tho’ :smiley: You’re better than me anyway.

This is just the tip of Blender’s iceberg. I’m the idiot who’s sat on top of it hoping it won’t sink before I can get off.

You’re quite right mate. Will batter it up a bit, lose a couple of bone chips and maybe as Modron suggested, apply some vertex painting.

Thanks again to all of you I really appreciate the feedback, I shall update during the week.


I saw your model on CGTalk and I thought the person’s comment about the tendons was kinda silly. Its clear to me that this skeletal system isn’t exactly mean to be REAL bones, but rather several different bones kinda attached together to form this thing you’ve got.

And by the way…

Icebergs can’t sink…they’re less dense than the medium they’re floating in.

True words Desoto about the tendons.

Re the iceberg. The idiot sat on top is more dense than the two put together and when icebergs melt… :wink:


Please check my first post on page 1 for new renders.

Thanks for having another look, C&C welcome as ever,
