Sapling addon animations

I’m using the Sapling addon for creating trees in BGE. The animations work fine, but it seems the animations are not looped. Does anyone happen to know a way to loop the animations generated by the addon?
Thanks in advance

Use the loop option in the logic brick?

Perhaps there’s something I’m not looking at, but the Sapling animations don’t create actual animation keyframes. If they did, this wouldn’t be a problem…So I would not be able to loop them in logic.

Oh, they’re probably shapekeys. I’ve no idea how to use those in game engine.
Anyone else?


this is where bake to vertex displacement map would be handy,

just run the animation and export each frame to a “UV mapped displacement movie”?

the run it back on a uv displacement in the game engine (that we don’t have either!) :smiley:
Here’s a file setup.
I honestly don’t see any source to their animations. Good guess on shapekeys, but they don’t have any active. I’m at the point that I’m beginning to think about just setting up my own armature, but I’d need to do that for dozens of trees…
Yes, BGE work is limited in this perspective.
Thanks for your comments