Hi all. Yeah, I know I’ve been mostly missing. Alas, school does that to you. Anyways, I’ve pulled an old model out and have been working on it. It still needs the interior modeled and some touch-ups on the basic geometry, then landing gear, glowing exhaust, etc.
It is basically a small, short-range, space/upper-atmosphere ship (the back opens up to let things/people in/out).
My problem is when I render it, even with OSA turned all the way up, I’m getting some strange jaggies. The problem is most noticeable along the leading edge of the rudder and along the edges where the canopy meets the body, and along the back canopy door’s edge. None of these edges are very sharp. Any idea what is causing this?
And some old screenshots that show the shape of the basic model a little better
Firstly there should be contrast between the color of your model and the background color.Everything looks blue…
Secondly you should change the shape of your turbines in accordance with the shape of ship’s main body and scale them down
Nice design, like it. Maybe the engines look very simple, try to shape them a bit and the edges on them are too sharp.
Try render it a bit bigger and resize the image in some editor, it may help with the AA problem.
First off, for the aerodynamics comments: this is a space ship. It could be a cube and fly just as well. The over-sized engines do all the work of orienting and vectoring it through space and the atmosphere. When entering the atmosphere, the shields prevent all vectoring except small bursts from the engines and other (yet to be added?) ports.
I’ve spent a lot of time getting the shape of the body just right. Anything else looks plain weird… (and boy could I show you some weird, egg shaped awfulness).
As for engine style, I kind of like what I’ve got, but exactly what improvements do you all have in mind?
This is not finished projects so there isn’t any background.
If you still care, here’s some shots to help better follow the shape:
As for the aliasing, is just rendering bigger and shrinking the result the only answer?
(Oh yeah, normally I keep OSA low as in the screenshot, but the rendered images in my first post really were done at OSA 16.)
You know, in all the time I’ve been using Blender I’d never noticed that there was a filter type. I was using the default ‘box’ nonsense. A good cubic filter cleaned the image up nicely.