ok i have just completed my first animation and now i dont know how to actually make it into a video that i could post onto youtube…
How do i do so after i have rendered (anim)…
im also on 2.54
ok i have just completed my first animation and now i dont know how to actually make it into a video that i could post onto youtube…
How do i do so after i have rendered (anim)…
im also on 2.54
99% of the time I export uncompressed png or tga image sequences at work.
Then either one of the cutters imports the image sequences to AVID, AfterEffects or Premiere.
Guessing you got none of them at your disposal, I suggst to use avidemux, openshot or cinelerra for linx, or virtualdub, xmediarecode for windows.
Import the image sequence, set the framerate, choose audio and video codec, or audio file and make a compressed movie of your desired format.
IIRC xmediarecode and openshot got presets to create videos directly for youtube.
I have to admit, i´ve never ever used blender to export to a movie container format, compressed or not, always image sequences, they are just best to handle in postproduction.
As arexma says, render the output as single images in an uncompressed format, I use .png. Then you can combine them in Blender’s Video Sequence Editor and save as an .avi, .mp4, .mov, etc… However, I’ve not used the VSE in 2.5x, it should operate the same as 2.49, but I can’t tell you each checkbox/button to use in 2.5x.
You can also use VitrualDub, a great free program (not sure if it’s open source) to combine the images.
You can also render straight to a video format, but I strongly advise against that. If you render for 10 hours, and on hour 9 your computer crashes, you loose all your renderings. By rendering to images, you can restart rendering at the last rendered frame.