I’m in the process of creating a very basic Central Business Disrict type city model. Is there any way to save / export my file so that I can send it over to say my parents for them to walk through it/use it in Camera Fly-Mode only?
Sort of like a Read Only version or a very very simple “game” if you like.
I was thinking along the lines of “giving my folks a model of their house as a present” etc.
Despite what p00f says, it’s really simple in Blender. Just go to File>Save Runtime when you have finished working on your file. There are a few need ed .DLLs that you will have to include with the file. Search the forums and you’ll be able to find them really easily.
Fastest and easiest way would be to start from the FPS-template, select and delete the weapon and any non-wanted geometry, add yours and press P. There ya go!