"Save as Walkthrough"?

Happy belated New Year!

I’m in the process of creating a very basic Central Business Disrict type city model. Is there any way to save / export my file so that I can send it over to say my parents for them to walk through it/use it in Camera Fly-Mode only?
Sort of like a Read Only version or a very very simple “game” if you like.

I was thinking along the lines of “giving my folks a model of their house as a present” etc.


Marco :slight_smile:


Use the crystalspace plugin, and you can have everything shadowmapped, HDR lit, and LOTS and LOTS of polys…

all the walktest camera stuff is automatic…

verry easy,
have fun :slight_smile:

Despite what p00f says, it’s really simple in Blender. Just go to File>Save Runtime when you have finished working on your file. There are a few need ed .DLLs that you will have to include with the file. Search the forums and you’ll be able to find them really easily.

Thanks both :smiley:
I’m on a Mac so i suppose I have to go for “plugins” instead of dll…
I’ll try and find a sticky thread about that.

Marco :slight_smile:

Saving as a runtime won’t automatically add the “Walkthrough” functionality. You need to add that yourself. Do a search here for “Walkthrough 2.42”.

Fastest and easiest way would be to start from the FPS-template, select and delete the weapon and any non-wanted geometry, add yours and press P. There ya go!

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