Save Preferences


I can’t get a scene to render,(K-cycles but official Blender same!, rendering only some frames then stops)
since I have many addons installed, I would save them and also the blender settings, since I want to find the error by exclusion(because it renderd fine two days ago!?).
Are there any tips on what I need to save so that I can restore as quickly as possible to the current state,
How do you do it when new versions come, is it safe with the copysettings from the previous version or do you reinstalling everything yourself including user_layoutsettings.

Or should I first load the Factory Settings
can I install there temporarily addons,
which are deleted again on exit,
I do not want to break the current settings, so the question!

I am not completely familiar with the Blendersettings yet so thanks for any tips.

Working with win10 and current 2.93.3 version

You could try a fresh install in a different directory.
Have you checked disk space?

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Using the command line with: --factory-startup will:
Skip reading the startup.blend in the users home directory.
See: .


what i always do is copy my ‘config’ folder of my latest blender version and this includes all your settings.
I use most of the time the portable version and in the directory of the new version there is no config folder.
Just past the saves config folder in the directory of your version that you like and start blender. You will see that all your settings are there. Even your Q (Quick Favorites).
Just the addons are not installed and you can reinstall the addons one by one or you can also copy your addons folder and keep them in a backup folder. If you like to go back fast, past this addon folder back and they are all there at once.
hope this helps a bit.

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thanks rigoletto,

GPU, diskspace, ram is enough there. :+1:

since the config and script folders are probably the folders with the most important information i will copy them
and with the help of these folders I can restore Blender to the current state.

Where can I change the path?! You mean inside blender-preferences or when installing Blender,? pardon, there I do not know where and how.

If you want to change the path for your current install, it is in the preferences.
For a new install you have to change the path in the install dialog.

hi Okidoki,

it looks like the commandline-rendering renders stably,
at least it renders


crap :mag_right:
i don’t see it, do you mean here?!

Thanks HDRdesign-Portugal

thanks for the explanation, that helped me a lot
and works super well.

muito obrigada

Yes, there you can switch the path for scripts and other for your current install.

thanks again,
I will try it out.