save problem with 2.28c

ever since i instaled 2.28c ive been having trouble with blender(s)

if i try to open or save a file in blender it just crashes! most annoying. all versions do it now i’m really stuck

Delete your B.blend and open an older version.



it kinda worked now i can open and save but if i navigate to my documents it blender quits like before (my old defult file directed the open folder to my docs).

I also have that since 2.28c Blender seems to fail to save sometimes after having selected save.
It doesn’t tell you there’s been an error, but when you load the just saved file it loads and older version!

uninstalled all blenders
deleted that defult file

and installed blender again and it crashes whenever i try to navigate to my documents. a similar thing started happening to me in suse dunno what it could be?

please please help

i don’t wanna have to reinstall windows AGAIN !!!

i suspect viruses on my comp could this effect this kinda stuff and yes i have a virus checker

Do you have a DivX file in my documents?

probably !! does that make it crash?

i moved the divx file and blender still crashes :frowning:

Try pointing blender to a directory that has only blend files in it.