Save viewport render with cycles as image

Hi, I have rendered my viewport with Cycles (Render Preview display mode), but I don’t see a way to export this render other than making a screenshot. How do I save a viewport render with cycles?

in the view menu there is render viewport option.

Though it doesn’t seem to work with Cycles at all…

Ah, sorry, i thought it did. Not at my computer right now to test it.

Hmm, it came to my mind as well, and funny, because I used to use it, and I remember that working :thinking:

So @AgentTuron you’re saying its bugged in 3.2?

I see BA and Reddit posts dating as far as 2019 with this problem :thinking:

I would not dare say that, but I clearly remember it worked before :confused: I’m also on 3.2 btw

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So apparently Rendering is another place where Blender definitely needs a lot of workflow polishing…

As a workaround, you can set a render region with ctrl B (not necessary), and turn off the gizmo, the wireframe thingie at the world hud stuff and everything, and just use a screen cut once the render finishes in the viewport.

That’s also what I did.

But if anyone can confirm that this is indeed a bug, it would be nice, so that we can report it to hopefully get a fix.

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I also remember the same.

I confirm I have the same problem with Blender v.3.2.0. Don’t know if it’s intended or a bug indeed.
The manual documentations for this is not clear. It only compares, viewport render using Solid Mode - to - viewport render using Material Preview Mode -to- full render (assume it means F12) and seems to ignore that once upon a time one could use viewport render image with Cycles as well.

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Strange, but I tested with Blender 3.0 , 2.91.0 and 2.81a and it doesn’t work with any of those either, strange because I was sure it worked past the 2.8 landmark.
I have GPU render default, but also tried with CPU and CPU with Open Shading Language checked : all have same problem, a black image result

Thanks for confirming this. Did anyone file this as a bug report? I presume it would fall under the bug category.

Are you sure you’re using the OpenGL render?

You might be mistaking that button with this one:

More information can be found here as well.

Not sure what you are saying, what about OpenGL?
The menu item, the command I used, is the top one of your screenshots, i believe the same one you suggest?

Using that, can you or not get Cycles render output with [viewport render image]? ( All other render engines work fine)

I’ve been using the same button too when I reported it here.

True, it doesn’t appear to work in Render mode, only the modes such as Material Preview & Solid. It’s a known issue as mentioned here. I think that’s because Cycles does not use OpenGL in Render mode.

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So it’s not on the bug tracker yet?

Hi. Sorry for not replying earlier, I thought I had replied to this post already, but apparently not. I searched the bug tracker and didn’t find any mention of this particular Render bug, but than again I might have not used accurate search terms, although I did try several. You can find the bug tracker search function for Blender here.