Saving Action Sequences in Version 2.56

I’m following a 2.49 tutorial on YouTube and have created a new action from a series of poses.

The tutorial shows in 2.49 how to save this action and start a new one. Then recall saved actions and use them again.

For the life of me, I can’t see how to name or save the action I just created.

The 2.56 interface is different that what’s presented in the tutorial. Unfortunately, the tutorial did not ref the hotkey for this.

Anybody know how to name & save actions in 2.56?


The dopesheet in 2.56 can be switched to a shape key editor or an action editor via the menu bar rollout box thing. The action editor is basically the same as it was in 2.49 as far as naming actions, creating new ones, etc.


Hi Randy,

Thank you! Man, that was making me nuts. Finally, I now have my action editor back :wink:


What was the url of that youtube video. I could use it. The whole add new object thing in blender has always confused me. and I am slowly moving toward using 2.5x but still do about 60% of my work in 2.49 since I am familiar with it.