I have been trying to save an image that I generate using a python script (An instance of Blender.Image.Image) and I cannot get it to save with transparency, though the image in Blender UV/Image editor shows up with transparency. (Whenever it saves, there is no alpha channel.) I have tried almost everything that I can think of, and looked all over the documentation. Anyone done this before?
I forgot to mention this the first time, but I want to save it with scripting
Well if it helps any, and I dont know if this is what your shooting for - To save transparent images with blender you need to render it as a png / gif with the premul button selected. (Under the render section at the very bottom between sky and key)
Sorry, I was not talking about saving a rendered image, but one that is in the UV/Image editor. I have gotten ones from a render to save fine with transparency. I want to save it using a script.