Saving animation as multiple image files?

I’ve been following some tutorials on saving your animations as .png or .jpg images that you can then load into Gimp to create an animated .gif file, but I’m having some issues. Whenever i save my animation as an image, I just get the one image and non of the others. So whenever I try to “Open as layers” in gimp, I only have the one image? I know I’m doing something wrong…could someone walk me through saving your animation as .png or .jpg images? It would be greatly appreciated…

you might have the end frame set to one in the timeline window

Well , save animation as multiple image files? I think you have to use camera to shot them…cuse, I don’t think there’s any program can do that…

Blender natively saves all animations as image files…my problem was that I was not looking in the default directory that the renders are saved to. Everything is copacetic now. But for anyone who stumbles across this thread…this is what helped me: