Saving Issue

So, I’m teaching a Blender class at a local homeschool co-op, and one of my students is having a technical error where the files aren’t saving.

Whenever she tries to save (all of my students created a new folder to save their Blender files to, which hasn’t been a problem with anyone else so far), it pulls up this error message:

Cannot open file C:\Users\Student Name\Desktop\blender\untitled.blend@ for writing: Permission Denied

The file simply refuses to save. This is, of course, universal in terms of the files, so it affects every file she tries to save, not just a specific one.

The operating system is Windows 8 (not sure if it’s 32 or 64-bit). Any advice? I haven’t been able to figure this out so far, as I’ve never actually seen anything like it. Thanks!

Hi, sometimes students forget there user account and login with Guest account or something similar.
You cant save anything with such an account. Could user even make a folder on Desktop?
Can user save on USB stick?
It is maybe better to use a Netdrive, user can use files on every PC in school and it is more save.
Ask your tech department for Netdrive and let them check the user account from the student.
Never save files on desktop. :wink:

Cheers, mib.