Saving rendered image question

If this is in the wrong forum please feel free to move it.

I could’ve sworn back in 2.5 that once you render the blend and you go to save it, it would take the blend file name as the image file with the extension of png for ex. my-image.blend would be my-image.png would already be in the save file path. In recent versions, that hasn’t been the case.

Is there a configuration setting or a script/plugin that would make that happen or is it just not possible to do anymore?



As far as I know (although you should probably wait for the professional wizards to answer this), that feature is no longer present.

I don’t see how problematic it can be if you just type the name of the image in though.

I do a lot of stock imagery and sometimes I work in sets of 36 or more at a time. It’s a workflow thing saving a few seconds on one file could save up to an hour. It’s a more get it done and get on to the next image type of thing.

Single images it’s fine there’s no problem with that but for the sets it would make a huge difference.