Saving vertex paint into uv texture


I’m trying to bake some textures for my game using radiosity. From what I’ve understood, it’s not that simple. All the tutorials I’ve found uses a script that save vertex paint into uv texture. But this script, “Texture baker”, is not in blender anymore.

Is there a new method to copy vertex paint into uv texture?


Yes. This year we press Ctrl Alt B and choose Ambient Occlusion.
(it dosen’t need the vertex paint section anymore)

Thanks. I’ve never really used ambient occlusion before so I need to work on it. But it only produces B&W textures, no? Because I want to produce a backgroung for my game with walls of different colors, and use radiosity to see the “colored shadows” produced by the walls. With ambient occlusion, I don’t think it is possible.

Save ambient occlusion to texture file. In Photoshop make it the top layer over the other texture and set to multiply.

Ambient Occlusion simulates lighting on a cloudy day, so it doesn’t really cover shadow casting.

Texture baking can be set up with lights to bake shadows into a map.

Wao, it’s a bit overcomplicated for me. And since I want to render the walls of some rooms, I don’t think ambient occlusion is the good “lightning” method.

I think I’ll rather stick woth radiosity, keeping my original mesh in another layer, and adding the result as a new mesh. Since there is not much shadows, the mesh are not subdivided too much.

Thank’s anyway for your anwer. I’ll investigate your method when I have some time.