Scaled file output

Hi everyone

I seem to be having an issue or missing something really obvious.
I need to save a scaled image to png before the final composition completes.

This is what I tried, but does net get exported scaled down:

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

There was some weird…

and you also could use a Mask node for the “cropping template” like so:

The “downgrade” is: you have to precompute the fixed size and can’t use your 0.6 factor “directly”.

Thanks for your reply.

I think there is something wrong with my Blender. I am on 4.2.0 and my Mask node has no other masking options.


When using that (the only) masking option, it renders out an empty png file, and at what ever factor I set the scaling to. So if my final render is supposed to be 512x512 and the factor set to 0.5, it renders an empty 256x256 image.

I have put together this blend file to show what I am trying to accomplish.
help.blend (1.2 MB)

Basically I want to render out a full resolution composite with added backgrounds etc etc, and then a scaled down image of the object only.

I hope this clears it up a bit.

EDIT: Added screenshot of nodes
EDIT 2: I tried the solution you linked to as well. When using an input image the png is no longer transparent. And when using a transparent input image, it saves an empty png.

You used to need to create the mask in Image Editor, Mask mode:

Then you could choose that mask in the Mask node and set a resolution:


And then mix whatever image on top of that to be able to output different resolution.

In 4.2 you should be able to just scale and save with File Output node and that’s it:

It works when I test it. It even takes care of the output resolution if I rotate:

It just works. No need to do anything in 4.2. In 4.1, the output remains the same resolution as the first input image in the compositing leading to the output no matter the transforms you do along the way. That use to be a hassle. :slight_smile:

Thank you for replying

lol, I obviously explained like my ass. What I’d like to achieve is this:

The full composite render (From the help.blend file):

And then the scaled render:

Basically the render should be scaled, but the “canvas” should not. I tried saving from the transform node and it only gave me a scaled down image.

Well then you do not want to scale you render but to crop some unneeded part but beeing with an dimension 0.6 times smaller than the original image ??

Like maybe so (ignoring any desired position):


lol, I’m an idiot. Solution was right in front of me.

This worked exactly how I wanted.

Thanks for everyone’s input. Really appreciate it.