I have a cylinder and I’ve extruded the points on one end. I have an extra cylinder temporarily added for size reference and so I can use the reference cylinder to snap the extruded points to:
I’m trying to scale the extruded points (that are selected) so they match the size of the larger diameter cylinder a bit below the end of the long thing cylinder.
So far I selected all the end points of the thin cylinder, hit E to extrude, then ESCAPE, then S for scale, then SHIFT-Z so they would not scale on the Z-Axis. Then I started moving the mouse to pull the extruded vertices out.
My SNAP settings:
I can scale to a size larger than what I want, but when I am using SCALE and have still have the vertices I’m scaling at a smaller diameter, I get this:
So when I am scaling a smaller amount, the vertices go WAY OUT and off the screen. Once the scale gets a big larger, things go back to normal.
I’m guessing I hit some setting that I didn’t realize I changed. But why won’t the scaled vertices follow my pointer and scale from their original size to the size I want without going to this “supersize” configuration?