Scaling on UV coordinates ?

Hi, I wonder if this tool could be implemented or if it is already around.

This would work like this:

When working with cylinders or spheres, selecting faces and scaling them up/down, will do it in the direction of the cylinder’s r sphere’s surface (the U and V coordinates I guess).

Thus, instead of getting closer or farther away the center of the object, the faces would expand/contract over the objects surface.

Using XYZ scaling would deform the global geometry of the object.



use Alt S. >> scale along vertice normal

use Alt S. >> scale along vertice normal

It’s not the same :slight_smile: . I mean the vertices would follow the surface (constrained to the surface, actually) UV coordinates so they would never get apart of it (the surface).

ALT+S makes the vertices get farther the center of the object (by following the normal)

Imagine you need to separate the vertices of a sphere, but don want to modify the sphere itself, you only want to expand a face of it without leaving the spherical geommetry.

That’s why I’m talking about UV axis instead of XYZ.

Hopefully I made myself clearer ?
