Hello Blender Artists: I’m in the process of learning texturing and compositing with Cycles and I’ve got alot of great textures but I’d like to know if there’s a way to scale and translate textures once they’re applied to the object. Like it’s done in UDK. Say, on a ship, I have a hull-plating texture with the rivets and all, but the plates are too big in proportion to the ship. Can the texture be scaled down and slid along the hull to make it look right? I’ll appreciate any help.
1). Create a UVmap and use that to scale the texture
2). Insert mapping node (add node > vector > mapping) between the texture coordinate node and the coordinates input in the image node, this will allow manipulation of the coordinates that will offset, scale, and rotate the texture.
Thanks Ace Dragon for responding. I’ve already got the objects unwrapped, but I’m not sure if I need to save out the maps or even how to. I’ve checked for a way to save them out but the image display only says open or new. The rest I should be able to figure out. Thanks again for getting back to me.
(Update: Problem solved. Scaling the UV mesh worked amazingly well and now I’m gonna try method 2 just so I don’t forget. Thanks man.)