
what do you think?
the “backscarecrow” is actually an angle of the front, there isn’t much to see on the backside…

:smiley: hope you like

Comments, crits anyone?

That’s pretty good. I like it.

Turn down the spec on everything material wise. Also, add some cloud textures to simulate some dirt. Then add some nice shadows and it will be great.

Excellent work.


Nice work :slight_smile:
I especially like the straws, but they could perhaps be a little bit less yellow

pants texture needs work.


wooo! alright! :stuck_out_tongue: cool, thank you for the comments guys :smiley:
now here is the update-

-so what do you think?

That’s really good texturing. There’s some stretching on its left arm tho…

It looks good, but I think the shirt, the pants and the nose are too even. Here’s what I would do:

  1. Temporarily replace the exsisting textures on these areas with say, clouds texture.
  2. Go into edit buttons with all vertices selected, and hit the ‘noise’ button a few times.
  3. Hit the smooth button a couple of times
  4. Delete link to clouds and reload your original texture.
  5. Tweak and render

pants texture needs work.


i’m ok with that

a scarecrow is a good idea …


practicing for on the haunt already?

what’s “on the haunt”? I’ve heard of it, but don’t know when and where it is…

and I’ll randomize some of the vertices, and fix that sleeve

“On the Haunt” is the yearly Halloween contest. Good fun.

Nice update. Nothing more to add than has already been said.


I think that the your scarecrow looks great, how did u create the straw, fiber python script?

scripts… I don’t use scripts, just a plain extruded circle…