Every project I start in 2.81 is far far far too bright on render in the viewport. This is with no cameras or lights in the scene, and it is in the vewport itself that thia is happening.
I have gone through literally every option I can see and can not find what is causing this. I have attached a screen shot. No materials are on the objects I am testing. I am convinced that this is a simple option that I am overlooking. Thoughts?
Bump. Anyone? I have tried everything including reinstalling Windows. Scenes are too bright no matter what I try. I know this has to be some setting that I am managing to not see.
Which viewport shading mode are you talking about? Material Preview or Rendered? Cycles or EEVEE? Are you using an HDRI environment?
If you are not using an HDRI and have no lights in the scene then I imagine you are in Material Preview mode. Click on the drop down to the right of the four viewport shading modes to access options.