I like to know how to work with different scenes, particularly in the game engine. Creating scenes, where I create the scenes, setting scenes, the works. I have a general idea of how you use them, but actually trying to do it is very confusing…
it’s quite easy, here’s the basics:
If you’ve your game level already done name your scene “game” for ex.(without quotes)
Now let’s add a splash screen scene to your game, with the game name. Create a new EMPTY scene and name it splash
Add a logo ( or whatever) a camera, and when done add Logic bricks to change
the scene, ex: Keyboard Sensor-Space Bar -> AND -> Scene Actuator - Set Scene - name of the scene to change for ( game)
Now start your game in the splash scene
If you press the Space bar the game scene will appear
Overlayed scenes are useful to add 2D objects to your game scene ex: scores