Yeah, I can’t wait to go to collage. It’s “college.” Sorry, couldn’t resist. Hopefully you’ll have a good time in a (looks in thesaurus) “collection.”

Watch it, read it, even if you are too young, the film has a great moral “Trying to make people good will only do more harm then good” It’s like the Liberals, “Collect taxes for educating kids, roads, creating jobs, wellfare and healthcare” While in reality it’s its better to privitize or done through charity. The samething apleys tour school, public education is worst then privite education, you be alot better off with a privite school, home schooling or drop out if you want to exercise your rights. But one good thing in High school, you get to see a guy cum inside a womens vagina, watch films of women having breast exams and see kids sucking womens breast. :smiley:

What’s “Run Lola Run” about ? The only reasion why school is so importent in todays world is to make people dependent on others, so the econamy keep running and polictions live like kings while collecting the taxes.


In England we had a good state run train service, with a low accident rate. Then it was privitized. Now it is a mess, run by people who are accountable to no-one with shocking service and safety and the government is still putting in millions and millions of pounds of taxpayers money to prop these shambles of companies up. There are many of them, fragmenting the network, and they are all as bad as each other.

Privitization of healthcare, public transport and education is an appalling thing. No private company can operate such systems without the detriment of the service they provide.

These institutions are by their nature not for profit and any attempt to extract profit from them invariably ends up destroying them. Public funding is not perfect but it is better than the alternative.

Categorizations such as Liberals, Conservatives… are pointless and missleading, eg: the current ‘left wing’ Labour government in England is idiotically commited to privitisation despite the fact that most of the population realise it is stupid. That isn’t very left wing.

Summary: this isn’t the entire argument but I don’t feel like writing an even larger essay.



What’s “Run Lola Run” about ? The only reasion why school is so importent in todays world is to make people dependent on others, so the econamy keep running and polictions live like kings while collecting the taxes.[/quote]

Are you protesting the government or complimenting it?

PS: “Run Lola Run” is about a girl whose boyfriend needs 100,000 marks or he will surely die. She has 20 minutes to do it, and the movie shows 3 ways she can get it. It rules.

That’s because England is a Democracy, not a republic, besides, if the train systom is failing then by all means let it fail, they will relize sooner or later that they won’t profit unless they get there act together and what makes you so sure there isn’t other laws that keep them from impovement ? Example, I use Dish Network, FCC pass a law that says Dish satalite can’t be used as an local antena, again, government prevent progress. And how is the train systom being run ? Do they pay a fee for peoples property they go though or do they have some Enron going on with the State ?

Do you really want something done about it ? If so, then use a different train and encourage others to use it as well, run a local boycot against the train network. Otherwise, what good is the free market ?

And what about the health care systom in England ? Why do people have to wait a year to get there teeth fix ? While in country like US where dentist are privite, you can get the work done with in a week.

I don’t know how the systom works in England but in what way are they being privitize ? Is it privitize by the government or by the indivisial ? If it’s privitize by the government and I mean everything, then you are in big trouble. England already trample over your civial rights, however I don’t think it’s to late to change it. And yes, left wings can run as right wings, same goes tour communist. I can’t understand why it has to be non-profit, after all, it’s the loss of profit that keeps them in line.

LOL, protesting it, but in a complmenting view that people believe in a brainwashing matter…