Schools on 3d?

I recently I’ve learned that I must re-enroll into some kind of school in order to retain my health care coverage. (I have a degree in Political Science already). Currently I am working for my dad’s small business that he started, but like I said earlier there isn’t any health coverage available from working there at the moment. So I need to get back to school!

Do you suggest any schools on 3d - that focus on making rigs and animating them, on modeling organic structures as well as texturing?

There are pros here and stuff so I was hoping you could help.


what country are you in? do they have to be local schools? do they have to offer an accredited degree?

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good point!

I’m in the USA. No it doesn’t have to be local - although it does have to be in the US if it is not online. If it is online it could be an international school…

I’m not sure about the accredidation, so for now I’ll look into anything basically.

I’m planning on going to FullSail. They are a nationally accredited school, and their primary focus is the visual arts as it pertains to the entertainment industry. I highly suggest you check out their web site.:slight_smile: The computer animation course takes 2 years and gives you a bachelor’s degree in computer science. Tuition is around 65k for the entire program including materials. I found the student gallery quite impressive.

I attend FullSail right now for the computer animation degree and find it incredible. Its really accellerated and the schedule is 2 classes a month usually for 32 hrs a week. Its super fast at times but i find it actually just gives me less time to procrastinate. Theres also a lot of 2d animation as well. The labs are insane including a full motion capture studio. All in all i think its a great 3d animation school and recommend it to anyone.

I can only dream of going to Full Sail. I’ve heard so many good things about it, and it’s one of the more prominent schools in the US for CG and Game Design (among many other fields). Unfortunately, I dont have the means to travel to Florida, so I wont be attending anytime soon. = (

on the west coast Gnomon is a great choice, total program is around 40k for two years and they have some great teachers/labs/etc. I have taken several classes there and they were all taught by great people working for blue sky, sony, and many other groups (read people that really know their stuff) Alot of teachers for traditional drawing and even some for 3d come over from Art Center college of design pasadana.

Vancouver Film School is what they call “the shit”. Slang for good. I dunno, i’m gonna be a music major, so i’m not a big help.

lol, thanks man

On a side note: Why do they cost so dang much lol - my family just spent 40k on my ‘other’ degree lol

thanks guys for your advice they look awesome! They really look like dream schools to attend.

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Do your best to get into one of those schools. Otherwise you’ll end up being forced to take four years of Graphic Design just for the sake of getting a college degree, like m…er…like a friend of mine :wink: