Sci-Fi Base

Hi all ! My last rendering project, made with Blender 2.9, rendered in cycles, counsels are appreciated: :slightly_smiling_face:
with Affinity :

without Affinity :

don’t know which one is better.


I think you should work on the lighting a bit more.

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Yeah, I was thinking to end this project and find tutorials to improve my renders :sweat_smile:, shaders, texturing and lighting are my weakest points :expressionless: (and then maybe review this render to ameliorate it)

I tried to copy (approximately, leaving some place for a little of my imagination :upside_down_face:) this image :


Set the scene to be pure black and remove all lights. Add one light back in at a time to work you way to what you want.

Your reference image looks like it could be done with one area light up and to the right. Then bring up the scene light slowly so you can just see some details in the shadows. Right now your render looks like a pure white light from all directions.

You need contrast and direction with the light.

The base modelling looks really nice btw.

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Well, in that case contrast and compare yours with your inspiration image and that should give you a good idea of what is working and what isn’t working with yours.

If you’re posting on here, you have to be open to criticism. Your image lacks contrast with the background which is due to the fact that it’s all basically white.

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Well, at the start, I was doing like that :upside_down_face:, but when I put the avalanche (not sure if it’s the right word to say it because I’m not English :sweat:) on the scene, I was needed other lights, if not, this was doing something reeeaaaally ugly :sweat_smile:

Is the avalanche a solid object? Try using a volume scatter plugged into the volume shader input.

No, it is a volume scatter

Hmm could we see the other render with different lighting? I’m curious to see what the avalanche looks like there and possibly find a solution.

Bon je pense que tu es français.

Oui tu devrais clairement éssayer de travailler sur les lumières et pourquoi pas aussi un peu les matériaux, mais je ne sais pas si à cette distance cela serait vraiment significatif, pourquoi pas activer le denoiser aussi si ton rendu s’y prête.

If you aren’t french, and for the non-french reading this comment here is the translation : "You should definitely try to work on lightning because it’s the main thing to improve on your render, and why not try to play a bit more with the different material, I don’t know if it will be a good thing to work on as you are pretty far from the scene thought, and finally why not activate the denoiser if it can be a good thing for your render



Merci @enzorod, effectivement je suis Français :sweat_smile:, sinon :
Pour les matériaux, celui de la base principale a été fait par moi-même avec Affinity Designer, donc ce n’est pas forcément le résultat que je voulais mais je ne trouvais pas de textures semblables sur internet, sinon, je pensais également les retravailler après avoir pris un GROS bain dans les textures, matériaux et éclairage :joy:

sinon, je n’ai pas bien compris l’histoire d’activer le “denoiser” :thinking: (si mon rendu s’y prête)

Alors en fait si tu utilises Cycles pour ton rendu dans les propriétés de rendu tu peux activer l’option de denoising qui te permet de lisser le bruit qui peut se trouver sur ton image

Hi @Kazrarr :smiley:

your 12 april render is waaaaaaaaay better thatn the 2 pics you posted :stuck_out_tongue:
I’d suggest you add the rendered pic in the 1st post or maybe create a new thread with it. There’s no reason why you wouldn’t be featured here and maybe in blender nation :wink:

Sinon je suis francais aussi :wink: et c’est toujours sympa d’en croiser ici :smiley: mais comme je suis le premier a raler quand certains postent dans leur langue, please post in english so that all can understand :slight_smile:

Aside this, and though my old eyes might not allow to see all the details, i sincerely see no need of denoising on this render ^^

As a last word, i love the mood of the scene and of this hostile environment :slight_smile:
Thanks for this nice piece of art !

Happy blending !

There’s a misunderstanding : the 12 april render is my reference image, I’ve didn’t done it :sweat_smile:

owwww shit ! :cold_face: i’m dumb ! sorry for the mistake :frowning:

haha, don’t worry… :sweat_smile:, I just don’t have your skills yet…