Scientists ask "Why does it work?"...

Engineers ask “How does it work?”
Hippies ask “Why should I work?”

What do you call a van full of hippies burning at the side of the road?

A good start.

How do you scare a hippie on Halloween?

Show up at the door dressed like a job.

What do you call a hippie chasing after a garbage truck?

A galloping gourmet.

Sorry to any flower children in this forum. My girlfriend’s mother’s pet hippie is trying to put the screws to us and I really needed to let off some steam.

Sounds like a personal problem

It is, but there’s nothing wrong with taking shots a the true hippies. You’re a true hippie if:

  1. Pot and/or other drugs are a top priority and

  2. You remain unemployed as a political statement.

  3. You’re perfectly capable of work, yet you live off of a family member’s welfare check, if you haven’t found a way to get it yourself.

  4. Your idea of furniture shopping is looking in dumping areas of gravel roads (This is not a joke. I know people who get their furniture from the garbage)

  5. You go on about the evils of government, but they’re the ones paying your rent because you refuse to work.

  6. You think that Christianity is the greatest attrocity ever commited, but your groceries come from church handouts.

Please note that this is an all or nothing deal. If one does not apply, then you are not a true hippie. For example, if number four applies, but you work your arse off to keep a roof over your head and food in your children, then you are not a true hippie, nor are you to be looked down on.

Also, being a flower child does not make you a true hippie. If you work you are not a hippie. You may be a new ager, but no hippie.

If you despise the government and you refuse to accept money from them, you’re just an anarchist, possibly a socialist.

If you think that Christianity is evil but you support the government, you work, etc. then you’re a member of a religion in direct conflict with Christianity (Wicca, Islam, Buddhism, etc.), but that doesn’t make you a hippie.

Basically, I have seen no true hippies on this board.

It seems to me that recklessly tossing about labels, targeting general groups for hatred, and judging people based on some arbitrary factors as the ones you mentioned is nothing other than offensive and destructive. Surely there are people on this Earth more worthy of your hatred than ‘hippies’. Your post smacks of bigotry, and you might as well substitute ’ fat people’, or ‘the french’, and make a bunch of broad generalizations about them for the basis of your condemnation. I might add that the title of your post is misleading. A device to get people who would otherwise ignore such foolishness to read it. This is known as ‘trolling’. A self gratifying behavior that always involves aggravating others.

I thought you and your girlfriend were supposed to move away from there…
Am I allowed to ask, what happened???

In any case I think that instead of trying to steam off, it would be better to concentrate on the problem and try to find a logical sollution…

mordon that is the most sensible thing i’ve hurd for years.


“Hippie” of the purple tentacle will get a charge out of this.

dwmitch wrote:

keep a roof over your head and food in your children

You’re confusing me! I keep my food in the fridge and a roof over my children. Am I a true hippie or not?


I do not “recklessly toss about labels.” I have encountered hundreds of hippies and flower children (there is a difference) in my life, and one thing that all hippies I know have in common, they refuse to work, they hate the US government, they’re always doped up, and they think everyone owes them a living.

I am a bigot. I don’t try to hide it, and I don’t get offended if someone calls me a bigot. But why do I have to be tolerant of an entire subculture that I work my ass off to support through taxes, who uses that money to buy pot, who takes ~$500 from the government every month while talking about how evil the government is, and who does everything possible to keep from getting a job.

Maybe if “bigots” like me put more pressure on the hippie subculture they will actually get off of their asses and do something.

Also, there is a huge difference between making hippie jokes and making jokes about fat people or the French. For the most part, fat people generally work, unless they get to the point to where they can’t leave the house. They help pay the wages of the hippies that cheat their way into the welfare system. I also know quite a few French immigrants, and not a one of them is unemployed, except for the retired elderly, which they’ve earned the right to retire.

And these are not “arbitrary factors.” I also know quite a few hippies. Every single one of them exhibits the traits I listed.

Now that I’ve gotten that out of my system, Timonides, I fell on difficult times financially speaking. The taco stand I worked at didn’t have the business to keep three people, so I had to go. By the way, ignore the topic I posted when I got fired. It turned out one of us had to go, and I was declared the least productive one, so I was gone.

Anyway, that delayed things a bit, and I’ve spent so much time trying to get my life back in order I haven’t had time to talk to the necessary people to allow her to keep her medicaid and go back to work (yes, I know it’s welfare, but her monthly medical bills are so high that we’d go homeless trying to pay them.)

The reason for this outburst is because I have just discovered that lately her mother and her boyfriend have been doing everything they can to get her to dump me, including deception. They’ve been telling her that I’m going to abuse her on down the line, that I’ll hit her neice, and that I’ll get bored with her and leave her.

I have been concentrating on the problem, but I had to take some time off and say the things that would cause Rebecca’s mother’s boyfriend to kill me (yes, he would literally kill me over something like that.)

One thing I almost forgot to address: I was not “trolling.” I simply could not think of a suitable subject line, so I just used the first line. You seem to think I have an ego problem because I did that, but I could turn it around and say that you’re projecting your ego problem onto me because I possibly used one of your tactics.

you are somehow … its difficult to say, but you will get angry about me anyway (even while i dont say what i mean and delete everything imo true but too hard for being taken serious) … really indifferent. you put things really not having something common together and this is very dangerous. you might remember 45 … i could proove that using your posts … i am somehow detecated to that :smiley:

a hippie in love with a man who would kill some1?
a hippie and love forever? :slight_smile:

and christianity as religion is not in conflict with any other regligion - we could live together. religion is instrumentalized for war.

$ 0.02 :slight_smile:

Uh huh. Can I offer you some powder for that rash, soggy pants (DM)? You can justify anything by rearranging the definition to suit you. It’s called Bull****. If you have to crap on other people to feel better about yourself, why stick to hippies? why, there are jews, queers, commies, infidels, you name it. There was a man called hitler who shared this mentality. I imagine he was quite pleased with himself as well. This was his premise: “A Jew is unequal to a white man.” This rather flawed and baseless ‘theory’ served as the basis for genocide.

comies where? get em!!!


actually if this is a dig at the hippies that wonder around coning and stealing because they “hate the system” my expereinces with them has been pretty bad. In an old job one group of hippies parked in our car part stayed there for 2 weeks constantly stole from the store and then left a caravan full of human feasies… lovley.

but i have met hippies who were nice. they entertained for a living they didnt have much but seamed pretty cool.

Best to evaluate people on an individual basis. Classifications such as ‘hippie’ say nothing about a person. If you want to talk jerks, then talk jerks. No reason to involve hippies.

I shall not defend myself, except to say that some people around here mistake hatred of a lifestyle for hatred of a people. I do not hate hippies. I hate the way they live. I hate the fact that they expect everyone to work for them while they do nothing, (although I did forget about the subset of hippies that earn money through music and other forms of entertainment) and I hate the fact that the majority (every hippie I personally know/knew) steal just so they can “stick it to the man.”

In the same vein, I strongly disapprove of homosexuality, but that does not mean that I hate a gay man. I love everyone who chooses the hippie path, I love everyone who chooses the gay orientation, I love Saddam, I love the Pope, and I love everyone from the Prime Meridian to 359.999999999999 degrees longitude and from the North Pole to the South Pole. That does not mean that I have to accept, or even tolerate the lifestyles of all people.

And no, I did not mention that I love Saddam to piss anyone off. He was created by the same God that created me, that created the Pope, that created Ton, Modron, Theeth, Nichole Kidman, you get the idea. Anyone created by God is worthy of love.

wooot, I was mentionned next to Nicole Kidman.

It’s like I’m living S68’s dream :stuck_out_tongue:


your claims of ‘love’ sound like empty lip service to me, DM.

Do you have the ability to look into a man’s soul? Are you able to enter into the mind of another person?

If you say you do, then you’re lying out your arse.
If you don’t, then you are far from qualified to make that ascertation.

haha you are accusing me of making baseless judgements. that’s a larf. here’s a thought, skippy…go back and read your bit about hypocrisy. Remind you of anyone? Twas not I who sought to put an entire class of people into a convenient little package, but you. And if it’s not too much of a stretch for you,…my comment was based on actual things that were spoken here. Not heresay, or rampant stereotyping. I did not attempt to dehumanize an individual as you have done. You want to turn this into a critisism of me now? heh. first things first.

First things first. You are not qualified to state whether my claims of love are “lip service.” You do not know the things I have done for people, hippie and normal alike. And there is a huge difference in picking on a chosen lifestyle and picking on ethnic origin, especially when that chosen lifestyle requires everyone else to pick up their slack.

You disregard all of the personal evidence I have against hippies and based on this topic say that I’m full of shit when I say I love everyone. I have more evidence supporting my contempt for the hippie lifestyle than you do supporting claims "hypocrisy.

A hatred of a lifestyle is not a hatred of a person. I love you. I don’t accept your philosophies. Intolerance of the philosophies and criticisms you have expressed in this thread do not make the first statement a lie. It just means that if a man were beating the crap out of you I would step in and try to incapacitate him, wait for help to arrive, recieve medical assistance if necessary, and then be on my way. Now someone like Timonides, Theeth, or Bill Cosby I would do the same, then when things had settled down I may try to start a conversation with them. Now legally speaking I would have no obligation to risk my own arse to help you. Why would I risk my life for a person I don’t love? And before you try to turn the incapacitation around on me, remember I said incapacitate, not kill.

Second of all, My fiancé was a hippie when I met her. I know how the majority of the hippies are because I almost married one, (she realized, then, on her own, that it was wrong for people to work and barely make a living while she had her rent paid and she did nothing, she gave up pot years before we even met, and now the only trait she has is her love of The Doors and the Greatful Dead, which isn’t bad, considering both have songs I like) most of her friends are still hippies, there were a whole crapload of hippies at my school, I’ve encountered hippies at virtually every job I’ve had (I say virtually because at my current one I’m not in contact with the general public), and most of my girlfriend’s neighbors are hippies.

Now out of the hundreds upon hundreds of hippies I’ve encountered, (including the way my fiancé was before her reformation) 100% of the data that I’ve been given shows me that hippies are druggies, thieves, lazy, selfish, and hypocrites (preaching “love, peace, and harmony,” then stealing from others to “stick it to the man.”)

If you can introduce me to five hippies who are on welfare because of legitimate physical disabilities and not to cheat the government, who would be more likely to give you the shirt off their back than take from you in “the spirit of sharing,” who will actually do things for people, and who would be willing to do an honest day’s work then I will take back every negative thing I have said about hippies.

Until then, I’ll be working to pay the hippies’ rent. Tomorrow I may go get a new pair of work boots, where I will have to pay prices driven up by hippie thefts.

And a side note: Promoting love, peace, and harmony does not make you a hippie. Running barefoot does not make you a hippie. Wearing tiedye does not make you a hippie. Listening to specific music does not make you a hippie. In other words, if you consider yourself a hippie, do some research to find out what a hippie is.

man I’m becoming tired of all those flame wars around…I mean, sure it,s nice to say what you think but when you know this will come to nothing but only to put people against each other…accept what the other thinks, think what you want to think but guys plz stop flaming the others for what they think! it lead to absolutly nothing…

I mean, you guys are a few hundred kilometers away from each other…yelling at each other won’t do anything…So why are you doing this?