Scifi corridor

Hey there!

This is my second real project in blender and first time using compositor and multiple passes in order to enhance quality of image.



Rendered in cycles with 1500 rays as 1920x1080 image with combined, zdepth and emission passes. Gotta say that rendering this took WAY TOO LONG :smiley: I mean even with my [email protected] it rendered this image for about 6 hours!

I guess this is pretty basic stuff, but I thought I’d share it anyway!


looks cool, did you watched the blenderguru tutorial?

Rendered in cycles with 1500 rays as 1920x1080 image with combined, zdepth and emission passes.

But how do you set that?


yeah, i have been watching tons of bg tutorials lately, great stuff! I found mirror, array and curve real useful when making this scene.

What comes to passes I used zdepth to generate mist as its not possible in cycles(?) and emission pass to generate glow effects for lights

[edit] well i read “set” as see so my original reply seems to be bit off… Anyway I guess I should have said with 1500 passes instead of rays ;D

Cool, I’m glad that you mixed the 2 tutorials to form something within your knowledge span yet somewhat original. I’m assuming this is also based off the subway tut?

Yeah, been basicly watching tons of tutorials and trying to use everything I have learned to make things better and faster :slight_smile: