Scion xB

i finished modeling my scion xb and now are working on the materials
any C&C in this department could help alot

im guessin since no one replied
that my materials and settings for the scion are perfect the way it is?

you need something better to reflect, have a look at car studio lighting setups and mimic them

I agree. A setting would really help the reflection. Also, a bigger render would let us check out the modelling better.

sorry about that i made the image larger

and traitor
what car studio lighting setups were you referin too ?

also let me know if the image need to be any larger
and tkz for the C&C

next time, you can google it yourself :smiley:

adjusted the materials
and changed the direction of the wheel for a better look
heres the finished version

hmm, if you’re going for photorealistic i sygest you fix the windows and the material…

else, no comments :wink:

thanks for the comment

yea tried changin the material settings on the windows and something about them i just didt like so i decided to stick with this look.
i figure the next time i model a car it will be better to setup a setting and an interor (if i can ever find the images of the interor…)