screen capture - linux

my version of the gimp will not allow a screen capture of the blender window. what do you linux users use?
rh 9
gnome desktop

I believe control+f3 will save a screeshot of the window
and control+SHIFT+f3 may save the whole screen
(not control+alt+f3 as I had said before)

this is specific to blender, try it

My favorite is GKrellShoot.

It comes with the GKrellm2 plugins package, and it rocks.

it will save in the image type you set in the Display buttons window (F10), so be sure to check that before taking a screen shot.


never knew of that built in function. though I like gimp more ( who doesnt :wink: ) this can be helpful… nice to know

nice tip

i usually use gimp or ksnapshot

My Gimp screen capture works fine under Linux, but if you are having problems, check on your distro… chances are that a program called KSnpashot is already installed. It comes with KDE and is a powerfull beast when it comes to screen captures.

i usually use gimp or ksnapshot

what the heck. wonder why mine doesn,t work???

I tried ksnapshot and for the first time ever my linux box locked up!!! :<
could be my gnome is in conflict somehwere

this is indeed very “kewl” It did a very good job

gracias all